Pakan color terlaris zaman now. dijamin mantap.
Pakan color terlaris zaman now. dijamin mantap.
“NIPPON GIANT” High Growth
A healthy formula for aggresive growth, Rapidly achieve jumbo shape.
The koi being feed by Giant grows faster, achieve jumbo shape quicker, more gain , strengthening and beautiful skin.
Extra formula Calcium and phosphorus to built strong bone on tail and back.
Prebiotic and Probiotic Increase metabolism of digests.
Untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan otot ikan. Koi menjadi strong dan jumbo.
“NIPPON GIANT” High Growth
A healthy formula for aggresive growth, Rapidly achieve jumbo shape.
The koi being feed by Giant grows faster, achieve jumbo shape quicker, more gain , strengthening and beautiful skin.
Extra formula Calcium and phosphorus to built strong bone on tail and back.
Prebiotic and Probiotic Increase metabolism of digests.
“NIPPON GIANT” High Growth
A healthy formula for aggresive growth, Rapidly achieve jumbo shape.
The koi being feed by Giant grows faster, achieve jumbo shape quicker, more gain , strengthening and beautiful skin.
Extra formula Calcium and phosphorus to built strong bone on tail and back.
Prebiotic and Probiotic Increase metabolism of digests.
Pakan pertumbuhan terlaris ikan koi tumbuh besar proposional, cantik dan sehat.
tidak mengotori air kolam.